For the woman who is ready to embody, express, expand, and embark in her most aligned state, honoring her natural self.

Honor. Remember. Embody.



To fully express yourself as a woman, you must first fully commit to loving, healing, and keeping your body. This means not only leaning into gratitude for your body, but stepping into and feeling every aspect of your feminine. In this season, you will dive deep into the layers of your physical and energetic bodies. You will learn to express using your body. You will reclaim your innate feminine passion, or sensuality, and learn how to harness that creative energy so that you may use it in manifesting your deepest desires. As you become better and better at embodying your truth, you will find comfort and safety within your body. You will be able to confidently hold your space. You will begin to feel seen for who you truly are. You will become more connected to the natural cycles of your body. No matter if you menstruate or not, you, as a being of feminine essence, will feel the flow around you as you are pulled by the rhythms of nature and the moon. Welcome to Embody.



To fully express yourself as a woman, you must know in your bones that your voice is the most powerful healing tool in the universe. Yes, in the UNIVERSE! In fact, everything in this universe is vibration. When you find your voice and use it, amazing things will start to happen. Your ancestors knew this when they gathered to sing and dance, and now you are brought here to reclaim the power of your voice as a sovereign being. When you reclaim your voice, you also free the divine feminine voices of the past that have been repressed, and you free the voice of all future women in your lineage. 

You deserve to be heard. What you have to say is important. As an embodied woman, the magic of your voice will open you to the greatest gifts the Universe has to offer you.

Here, you will remember the divine feminine wisdom in your voice. You will again know the profound healing of sound. You will discover which sounds resonate with different parts of your physical and energetic body and how to release emotions or blockages through your voice.

If you have done embodiment work in the past or have had a yoga practice for years but still feel like something is missing or can’t quite get into meditation and connect with your higher self, this is your missing link! Your voice is the bridge to higher consciousness. It is when you find the truth in your voice that you really start your feminine embodiment and expression journey!



To express yourself as a woman, you must stop doubting yourself and must learn to trust your intuition in order to attain the expansion available. When you fully accept yourself  as a sovereign being you make space for your highest self to come forward. As an expressive and embodied woman, you will now have the tools needed to start working into deep healing, expanding your meditation practice, strengthening your relationship with yourself, and strengthening your relationships with others. You will learn how to ground yourself, and clear stuck energy at a deeper connected level.

You will develop a deeply loving relationship with all aspects of yourself. Here, you will fully embody your “I AM” presence. 



To fully express yourself as a woman, you must understand that it is your birthright as a sovereign divine feminine to create whatever your heart desires. As an embodied, expressive, expansive woman, you will be able to feel your truth, ask for it, and put the necessary focus behind your intention in order to manifest it into your reality.  When you, a truly embodied and sovereign being, embark upon the path of your purpose you will have stepped into your power. Here, you move from thought to reality. Here is when you bring your passion to life. 

Here, is where we put it all together.

Join the Sisterhood.

Join the collective.