1-1 Coaching

A guided journey for heart-centered growth for those who are ready to embody their highest selves, embrace their triggers, release their trauma, and stop holding onto the baggage that is not theirs to carry.

As a private client, each session is unique to you. We dive deep into what you bring to the table and find what is at the root of where you may be stuck in your life, and what you desire most. As you experience breakthroughs in these sessions, you will also receive tools to take consistent action toward breakthroughs, allowing for transformation to happen.

This Program Is For You If:

  •   You are tired of waiting for a fresh start or clean slate to change your life & you're ready to find solutions that work for you.

  •  You're experiencing lots of inner chatter that tells you you aren't enough and makes it hard to hear the real you, go after your goals and live authentically.

  • You struggle with self-love and constantly put others needs and feelings before your own and make yourself small.

  • You wonder what it would be like to not be afraid to show up as your true self. You crave deep confidence in yourself, your potential and your path.

  • You imagine what it would feel like to truly love yourself and to not be afraid.

  • You're feeling disconnected from yourself, stuck and uninspired but you're not sure where to start. (Is the answer to just start drinking green juice and doing what you "should" be doing? Hint: the answer is so much deeper than that)​

  •  You feel motivated to prioritize self-care practices and rituals that nourish your individual soul. (Not just what works for everyone else).

  • You're feeling like your emotions and inner critic are running the show and you desire control and stability.

  • You feel like you're just going through the motions and following the crowd instead of living according to your own rules.

  • You want to align your heart with your mind - you desire and authentic lifestyle that feels incredible.